May 10, 2010

How a United Methodist Pastor became a Presbyterian

umc_to_pcusa.gifMany people ask me how and why I switched from the United Methodist Church to the Presbyterian Church (USA). Usually I just tell them it's a long story and, in short, I found it easier to switch denominations than to switch Annual Conferences within the United Methodist Church. And while that's true, it's not the whole truth.

So I decided for myself, and for others, to record the long story.

Continue reading "How a United Methodist Pastor became a Presbyterian" »

May 7, 2010

Nerd Nite 1.2 - The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown - Final Showdown!

Somehow I missed updating this! Thanks for someone pointing this out!

It came down to Tom Baker vs. David Tennant and Baker won pretty handily.

Nerd Nite was terrific and I enjoyed it greatly. I even shaked my geek thang.

March 22, 2010

Nerd Nite 1.2 - The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown - Round 3

Round 1 is done and Round 2 is still in voting, but here is Round 3 of the Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown. In Round 1 Sylvester McCoy prevailed over Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston trounced Colin Baker. So here are your brackets now.

Round 3
Bracket # 4
- Sylvester McCoy vs. Tom Baker
Bracket # 5 - David Tennant vs. Christopher Eccleston

Get your votes in by the time I finalize my presentation on Wednesday. So, play it safe, and send me your votes now. Just mail them to

And then come to Nerd Nite 1.2 Wednesday, March 24, 7:30 at the Teatro Zuccone to see the Final Four you picked and vote for the best Doctor of all time. Be there and be square!

March 21, 2010

Nerd Nite 1.2 - The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown - Round 2

While I tabulate the results from Round 1, here is Round 2. Send your votes to and feel free to make your case in the comments below.

Round 2
Bracket # 3 - Patrick Troughton vs. Jon Pertwee
Bracket # 6 - William Hartnell vs. Peter Davison

Voting for this round will end sometime on Wednesday when I finalize my presentation, so don't wait around! Vote now!

There will be one more round to determine the Final Four. The Final Four will be revealed at Nerd Nite 1.2 at the Teatro Zuccone this Wednesday, March 24. The event begins at 7:30 and will feature lots of presenters on all sorts of nerdy topics. Cover is $5.

March 19, 2010

Nerd Nite 1.2 - The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown - Round 1

Ten go in! One comes out!

For Nerd Nite 1.2 I am going to settle once and for all who the best Doctor is, at least until Matt Smith becomes the Doctor starting April 4. In the spirit of March Madness I have constructed a bracket and have seeded the Doctors based on how many stories aired in their reign.

Continue reading "Nerd Nite 1.2 - The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown - Round 1" »

March 13, 2010

Mountain Top

mount-olympus.jpgMy second script for Chicken Hat weekend. My prompts last night were Oscar Wilde, A Clown's Nose, and Olympus (the actual mountain, not the home of the gods) and I was writing for 2 men, plus a walk on by Kaylee Matuszak.

I had several false starts on this one, including a funny but ultimately unsustainable scene of 19th century authors downhill skiing, but finally focused on the parenthetical note about Olympus as my jump off point. It was, of course, my son, Simon, who threw that prompt in there. It is another of my more philosophical pieces returning to a common theme in my writing - the true believer meets the skeptic. Enjoy.

Don't read further if you don't want any spoilers.

Continue reading "Mountain Top" »

March 12, 2010

Sesame Street Blues

ernie_koekie.gifIt's time for another round of Chicken Hat plays, and so here is my original script for the day. The twist this time is that instead of writing one 10 minute show we are writing two 5 minute scenes, presumably 12 hours apart. I got one actor and a walk on and an optional off stage voice. I took that option.

I broke two cardinal rules in this script. Don't make your actors sing. Don't make your actors do impersonations. Yet, after the read through, I feel fairly confident this should be good.

My prompts were:

WHO: A Bitter Academic
WHAT: Harmonica
WHERE: Sesame Street
TIME: 11:00
WALK ON: Super Dave Anderson (area television meteorologist)

If you are coming tonight, don't read on unless you want spoilers.

Continue reading "Sesame Street Blues" »

Wade for awhile in my Stream of Consciousness

larsavatar_sm.jpgI live on the shores of Lake Superior in Duluth. I have a son and a daughter and enjoy writing, theater, movies, and all sorts of geeky activities. I like to talk about politics, religion, and other things one isn't supposed to discuss in polite company. I make my living as a holy man.

I really appreciate people leaving comments, so don't be shy.

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  • 33 Names of Grace is the blog of Michelle, a very thoughtful friend and colleague.
  • Emma is my beautiful and talented daughter.
  • Fuzzy is a wonderful improv artist.
  • GeoChalker is the blackboard you can drive.
  • Home School Image chronicles the life of a homeschool mom.
  • Maria is clever and crafty.
  • Scotto creates great games.
  • Simon is my clever and exuberant son.
  • With Faith and Feathers is David's blog, my all-time permanent roomie on road trips. He gets the bestest rooms.

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